Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Healerzone: Celebrating 2012 and creating 2013! Networking party - Events - Healerzone

Healerzone: Celebrating 2012 and creating 2013! Networking party - Events - HealerzoneIf you're a therapist, healer, medic, coach or personal trainer, please join us on December 5th, Letchworth for a special event. Please RSVP if you can make it!  

There have been lots of things to celebrate for Healerzone and it's members this year!  Below is a picture of a 'team' stand we did just last week at Gateway2Wellbeing exhibition in Borehamwood which got extended to another table as well as these two (quick request to the universe for more space, and guess what, the only person who couldn't make the event had a stand right across from us - perfect!  4 members exhibiting on our stand, and another 4 around the room, plus the organisers.  Healerzone is really getting up some energy!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Income vs spirituality OR Income via your spiritual path? - Jen Tiller - Healerzone founder - Search Members - Healerzone

A frequent topic that pops up here and in similar groups is the concern that earning money from therapeutic work is somehow opposed to a spiritual way of life.    Here's a bit of 'stream of consciousness' on the topic, not in any way comprehensive, but I hope will stimulate some thought.

My personal take is that living a spiritual life is about awareness, kindness, and giving and receiving so that everyone stays in healthy balance, connected to whatever form of Source they know and value.  You can be spiritual in the role of a used car dealer or stock broker, or  unspiritual as a light worker who manipulates others to feel needy and vulnerable.   It's not all about money.

I think you will probably agree with me that greed is appalling, soul and ultimately planet destroying.  It comes from fear, lack or simply excessive ego, and can feel very aggressive.  

At the other end of the scale, people who give endlessly without appropriate and nurturing return may come across as doormats, with low self-esteem, and become vulnerable to the energy drains of the world because they can't say no, or get more support and resources so they can say yes in a healthy way!  

There's a midway balance between greed and giving everything away, which we can each create in our own way.  For me, the more willing I am to accept, the more people I seem to reach.  I love what I do, and FINALLY I've learned to feel comfortable receiving monetary compensation for my skills!  People feel comfortable working with a professional, and happily refer friends and family.  Marketing is a new area for me, and one I was NOT comfortable with for a long time.  Now I see it as reaching more people I can help.    

Personally I've done a lot on a voluntary basis over the years, but now simply haven't the resources left to do so as I head towards retirement without any form of pension or capital! I believe in my own capability to create abundance - however it involves me being willing to accept money/resources for what I do. 

Most of us in the Healerzone community (hypnotists, massage therapists, coaches, trainers, osteopaths, energy practitioners etc) run businesses to support ourselves and our families by offering the most effective, ethical options we can provide. (I have to say it's taken me a LOOOONG time to consider what I do as a business!) If you consider money simply as a representation of energy exchange, fair compensation is reasonable for our time, energy, expertise, and the cost of our training. And the more you have, the more you can give! 

There is also some thought around this that if someone doesn't give something appropriate in exchange, our work is less valued and actually doesn't have the same effect! I've seen that sometimes from clients within an overtly charitable setting, or someone 'trying it on'. In those circumstances, the client doesn't always take appropriate responsibility for the things they need to implement to move on. 

If I was a millionaire tomorrow, I'd still do what I do and probalby share the wealth and skills by employing/training more people to help me!  If you wouldn't, what would you rather be doing?  

The Healerzone motto is "you can't give what you don't have!" and that's true for every resource. If your mortgage company accepts massage in exchange folks, let me know!

What do you think on this important subject?

Jen Tiller
Founder of
skype: jentiller
twitter:  @jentiller   @healerzone     @breathing coach
Personal website: 
Article and image, copyright Jen Tiller

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Healing with Breathing: A day for therapists - Events - Healerzone

Healing with Breathing: A day for therapists. Letchworth, Herts, 16th Nov. Please join us to learn powerful techniques for well-being you can apply immediately for yourself and your clients.  The workshop has been created by Jen Tiller, herself an ex-asthmatic and ex-agoraphobic using these techniques!

Healing with Breathing: A day for therapists - Events - Healerzone

Monday, 8 October 2012

My Profile - Healerzone

Super excited! I'm one of the experts on the Relationship Telesummit! Fantastic array of topics and people. My interview is on Creating Healthy Relationships and airs today (Monday 8th October)! You can also become an affiliate for the VIP section, and potentially earn a healthy income just by spreading the word! (You get 50% of sales)

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Business building for therapists

(From my blog on

I've had a therapy practise (including NLP, EFT, Buteyko breathing as well as being a Reiki practitioner and teacher) for over a decade.  Here are some simple suggestions for increasing your business.  
  • Swaps and shares with other therapists who don't do Reiki themselves can result in cross referrals - ideally deliberately create a 'referral circle' with people you know, like and trust (eg life/business coach, osteopath, acupunturist etc).  They don't have to cross refer to each other, just with you.  Connect with Healerzone members directly - and not just at the level of a click.  Send messages, chat, organise 1-1s!  Developing relationships is key.  
  • Twitter pages are great, and join relevant facebook groups (obviously    The trick is to balance 'ads' with information, social stuff and inspirational content.
  • The more people who know you, the more rapidly awareness of your business grows; business networking can be very valuable. check out WIBN, WiRE, BNI, your local Chamber of Commerce etc.   You'll have to find a group you're comfortable with - some are very structured and formal, others casual.   There are therapist specific events too!  
  • Networking at fairs and exhibitions (whether you have a stand yourself, or just chat and exchange business cards as appropriate at events) can be very helpful.  Check out the HZ Events listing as a start!
  •  An additional source of income that matches your ethics can also result in increased Reiki business eg: I'm a consultant for Neal's Yard organic remedies, skincare, aromatherapy,  Wonderful, ethical products, and in the process of exploring what people value, discussions get started about the broader ethos of well-being.  And of course any additional income supports the rest of your business. 
  •  You are likely to be able to help more people when your business is successful, so  get comfortable with the idea of making money, handling money, and being in business in general.    Crucial to Law of Attraction is to have your energy, intention and offering aligned  and if you're not comfortable with accepting money as well as giving treatments, time, energy, and outlay on training etc the whole upward spiral can get stuck.  This is true even for charities. 
  • Get some marketing training!!!!  To implement a business strategy that fits your ethos, you need a clear message that can be understood by anyone (not only people who already understand the concept of holistic well-being).   Then you need a practical strategy.  What's your demographic?  How will you reach them?  If you're not comfortable 'advertising/selling' what are the effective alternatives?
    There's some free stuff under the Training tab, and check out David Marshall's profile here too.  
  • A consistent message via business cards, brochures, website, and your assorted profiles on Healerzone, facebook etc is vital.  Even when you're promoting different aspects of your work.
  • Consider getting a business coach - we have some excellent ones here. 
  • Even if your spelling, grammar etc are excellent, get someone else to edit your website, flyers etc.   Fresh eyes really help.  Partly to prevent silly errors, and also to make sure your message is clear! YOU know what you meant to say, but is that what comes across?
Note the ones you're NOT comfortable with, and consider getting some help and support - you don't have to do this on your own!
Remember, you can't give what you don't have!  Along the way, look after yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially!
I hope that helps. 

Jen Tiller